An old man follows mysterious fireflies through the mountains while battling to stay alive in the winter cold
An experiment in minimal design: I disabled almost all gameplay mechanics from Crysis and attempted to create an engaging experience with simple movement and interaction. Winner of the Best Original Art award in 2010.
Non-linear Crysis level set in a Chinese public park
The goal was to practice designing open levels. The level is quite varied because I wanted to experience a wide range of problems this type of design involves and accomodate multiple play-styles. I modeled and textured most of the custom assets too.
London city block and farmers market invaded by monsters
This level was a big challenge in many ways: I had never used the Unreal Engine before, only had a month to complete it, it was my first multiplayer level, and I was just beginning to toy with modeling. My goal was to create a simple layout and differentiate the level from others with custom models and textures. Winner of 3rd place of the official Killing Floor mapping contest
Explosive 5-levels campaign in city streets & mental asylum
I joined this project halfway through, and most of the levels' geometry was already done at the time, so it is the first time I ever had to script a level I didn't design myself. The team proved to be talented level designers who taught me a lot. I eventually completed the whole project when the team dropped out.
Rendition of "gun-kata" inspired by the movie Equilibrium
This project was high profile, which attracted all sorts of trouble for us: hacked servers, copycats... It was still a great experience to design levels for the new combat mechanics. Winner of the Editor's Choice award in 2005